Our engineer will go to your country to install your brewery.
The following is Some Common Faulty Operation in Brewery Beer Machine
This manual is summarized from some common fault during using or assembling the brewery system in past years. These faulty probably bring irreparable damage to the equipment. So please read it carefully one by one and make sure all items are fully understanded. We keep the right to refuse any compensation because of these faulty and any third party lose or implicative. The items below are just for your stronger attention which are not the whole of the equipment operation.
Part 1:Tank
Please make necessary pressure test to the tank body and jacket before using to be sure there is no leakage. If there is pressure leakage or liquid leakage, please do firstly get in touch with us. Do not disposal by yourself.
Part 2:Pump
Do not run the pump without liquid or reversal rotating, or the pump seal will be burned to damage and make pump leak.
Part 3:Lauter Tun
When there is no wort grant, pressure balance column or pressure difference sensor, the false bottom or tank bottom may be damaged by negative pressure if lautering flow is not controlled very well by adjusting pump speed and valve openning degree.
Part 4:Controling Cabinet
Make your professional electrician to double check all the terminals in the cabinet have been fastened very well. The terminals may become loose during the long transportation and frequent jounce. Terminal loose between cable and terminal probably burn because of the high temperature, even irreparable damage.
Part 5:Glycol Chiller
Make sure the refrigerant correct, pressure well, protection sensor work well like flow, pressure etc, or it may block the freon loops or shorten the using life because of overload.
The glycol water in the loops should be clean and sterile to avoid blocking the heat exchanger inside, which may reduce the chilling efficiency even some irreparable result.
The chiller is better to be placed below the glycol water level to get fully filled liquid in the glycol water pump inside chiller. Or the pump and the seal may be damaged because of dry running.
Part 6:Motor and Reducer (Including pump, agitator, rake etc)
Pay attention to the wire type and voltage, like △ and Y. Wrong connection will surely damage the motor quickly. Check the heat dispension of the motor by touching for at least 20 minutes. Bad heat dispension will burn the motor.
Please check the reducer lubricating oil level before running, not too low or too high. Lacking of lubricating oil will damage the gear box though we usually add oil before delivery. Too much oil will make gear box run with over load and cause high pressure in the gear box which will make oil overflow from the vent or the oil seal.
If the reducer is assembled on site, make sure the reducer output shaft and the main shaft should be concentric. Bias between the shafts will enlarge the motor load and even irreparablly damage the reducer.
Part 7:Temperature Control
All sensor cable should be connected according to the correct sequence. All signal cable should be fastened. Wrong or bad connection will give erro to the PID.
The temerature controller (PID) has been tested and setted before delivery. Please check up on the temperature before you use it.
Part 8:Steam Loops
The steam pipe should have pressure gauge which has been checked up and the pressure reducing device to be sure the steam pressure in steam jacket below safe value. Usually we request the max pressure in steam jacket below 0.2MPa.
The steam piping work should be done by qualified people or company. All safe device, steam trap device have to be strictly in accordance with local law or regulation.
Part 9:Glycol cooling loops
The glycol cooling loops should have passby loops or similar device which can avoid over pressure inside the pipe.
The glycol supply pressure to jacket should be below 0.2MPa, or it may cause jacket damage and leak.
Part 10:Electric Heating
Electric elements should be cabled as request.
Do not heat the elements without liquid.
Please check the seal of the connection between elements and tank.
Part 11:Safety Valve
Please do pressure test before use it to make sure it works well under requested pressure.
Handle it gently. Any impact may affect the precision of the valve and weak the function of air relief during using in fermentation.
Part 12:Pressure Gauge
Avoid any impact and never break off the gauge. Use a spanner to fasten the gauge seat instead. Or the pressure gauge may leak.
Please double check the pressure gauge display correct.
More information is coming soon!