Soapbox Beer set up the 20HL craft brewery equipment including malt milling machine, 20HL stainless steel two vessels brewhouse, 40HL stainless steel conical beer fermenter, 40HL beer fermenters, 40HL bright beer tank, brewery CIP, keg washer and filler machine etc. TIANTAI supply the brewery equipment and the installation service of the brewery equipment locally.

Soapbox Beer Fortitude Valley Brisbane Australia

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer -2000L two vessel steam heated brewhouse by TIANTAI

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer -2000L two vessel brewhouse by TIANTAI

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer -2000L two vessel brewhouse by TIANTAI

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer - wort Gravity

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer -Spent grain bed ready for raking

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer -Spent grain automatic raking

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer -Spent grain re-use for agriculture
Comments shared from Soapbeer Facebook
‘Meet Tim. Tim is an expert in all things agriculture. Tim is from the Beenleigh High School agriculture program that teaches high school students the ins and outs of the agriculture industry. We've partnered with Beenleigh High School to minimise our landfill waste whilst at the same time helping Beenleigh High School reduce their feeding costs.
After each brew, Tim collects our spent grain and takes it off to feed the schools cattle and pigs. Tim says the cattle love the grain, but are not so keen on hops. He also says "the pigs are as happy as pigs in...." er...well you know how it goes!!
A special thanks to Tim for pretending he's raking out the grain. Of course, we dont subject him to such slave labour!’

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer - Sparging as washing

Brewing@ Soapbox Beer - Beer fermenting in tanks

Beer@ Soapbox Beer

Enjoy Beer@ Soapbox Beer
TIANTAI company works for all brewery with high quality brewery equipment. We supply 2-150bbl complete brewery system including malt milling equipment, brewhouse equipment, fermenters, brite beer tanks, beer bottling machine,beer canning machine, beer kegging machine, hopping machine, yeast propagation equipment. We also supply all auxiliary brewery systems like steam heating pipe and valves, water treatment, filter, air compressor etc. Everything in brewery are all in our list.
If you are interested in starting a brewery, please feel free to contact with TIANTAI
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