5 Ways to Improve your All Grain Beer Efficiency
All grain brewers can be obsessive about the efficiency of their brewing system. There are 5 methods you can use to improve your overall brewhouse efficiency:

1. Improve the Milling of your Grains
The crush of your grains makes a significant difference in the efficiency of your mash and sparge. Grains should be finely crushed, but the milling should leave the hulls largely intact to act as a filter bed. A double roller miller is ideal for achieving this.Note: if you crush your grains too finely you will plug up your filter bed resulting in a “stuck mash”. If you get a stuck mash, your filter bed will clog up and the wort will stop flowing.
2. Mash Out or Sparge with Hot Water
Hot water during the mash out and sparge helps the sticky wort flow more freely. Ideally you would like to raise the mash temperature to about 75℃ and then use 75℃ water to sparge. A mash out infusion addition can be used to help raise the temperature of your mash as you sparge.
3. Sparge Slowly
Most beginners attempt to sparge their mash much too fast. Sparging too quickly leaves insufficient time for the hot water to extract the sugars in the grain bed. Limit the flow out of your mash tun to just above a trickle.4. Minimize Losses in your System
Losses anywhere in your brewing system, including deadspace in the mash tun, transfer lines, pumps, and trub at the end of the mash result in lost wort. The lost wort takes sugars with it, reducing your overall brewhouse efficiency. Use a properly sized mash tun, and work to eliminate deadspace in the system.
5. Pick a Properly Designed Mash Tun
The design of your mash tun and false bottom or screen can have a huge effect on the efficiency of the mash process. A round, cylindrical mash tun is generally considered best, as it leaves the depth of the grain bed about equal to its width. This is one reason cylindrical water coolers are popular.The false bottom ideally will cover the entire bottom of the mash tun but have minimal deadspace underneath it. This will provide an even flow across the entire grain bed giving better efficiency.
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