General impression: dark, complex, very strong Belgian Ayr, with rich and delicious malt,
dark fruit flavor and spicy. Complex, rich, smooth, and easy to drunk unconsciously.
Fragrance: complex, with a rich malt sweetness, significant ester aroma and alcoholic flavor,
with optional from light to moderate spicy. The malt aroma is rich and strong, and may have
a strong aroma of baked bread, often accompanied by a caramel aroma. Fruit esters can
range from strong to moderately low, and may have aromas of raisins, plums, dried cherries,
figs, or plums. Spicy phenols may be present, the smell is closer to pepper than cloves;
there may also be a hint of vanilla. The breath of alcohol is soft, spicy, perfume-like and / or
rose-like, and the intensity can range from low to moderate. The aroma of hops is usually
difficult to feel (but very weak spicy, floral or herbal aromas are possible).
No deep roasted malt. No pungent smell of alcohol or solvent.
Appearance: Dark amber to dark copper brown (dark means darker than gold, relative to 25C).
The wine head is rich in foam and dense, like mousse, long-lasting, and the color is between
milky white and light brown. It is usually clear and may be slightly cloudy.
Taste: Consistent with aroma (the above description of malt, ester, phenol, alcohol and hops
still apply). Taste buds can feel a moderate and rich malt taste, if the bitterness is low, you
will feel the sweetness of malt. The finish is usually dry, but it may also have a moderate
sweetness. The bitterness is moderate or low; the alcohol flavor balances the malt flavor.
The balance is generally biased towards a rich malt flavor, but the bitterness may also be
equal to the malt flavor. Complex and changeable flavors should blend smoothly and harmoniously.
The finish should not be too thick or sweet.
Taste: The killing taste is strong, but not sharp. Smooth, but you can feel the warmth of alcohol.
The body can be moderately thin, or moderately thick, smooth and creamy. The body of the
wine is usually moderate.
Edited by Hubert
Email: [email protected]
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