We will then go through the main steps of the brewing process. As well as which brewhouse vessel it takes place in, depending on your set-up. The most common brewhouse set-ups are:
2 Vessel System – A combined mash/lauter tun + combined kettle/whirlpool
3 Vessel System – A mash tun + lauter tun + combined kettle/whirlpool
3 Vessel System – A combined mash/lauter tun + kettle + whirlpool
4 Vessel System – A mash tun + lauter tun + kettle + whirlpool

We will take a quick look at the merits of each setup at the end of the article but, to be honest it deserves its own post.
Brewing Process Step-By-Step – The Stages
To help with the brewing process I’ve made a little flow chart (see below) of the various steps you need to go through to make beer. It also shows where the four main ingredients (water, malt, hops and yeast) are added during the process.

In the next article, let’s discuss grist milling part, and brewhosue mashing part.
Tiantai is a professional brewery that supplies beer equipment in China, providing you with a brewing grain mill, brewhouse, conical fermenters stainless steel or red copper or 8K mirror, beer dispenser, wort chiller, and customized brewing tanks, also including beer accessories.
If you need any beer plants, Tiantai is good beer making supplier!
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