CIP Cleaning Unit
The typical flow chart of the CIP cleaning system is as follows:
The main equipment:
(1).Recycle water tank.
It comes from the last cleaned sterile water, recycled and stored for pre-washing by other systems.
(2).Alkali tank.
Store lye or alkaline detergent formulated according to the process.
Generally, the canister peripheral heater is heated by forced circulation, and the heat exchange rate is high.
When a hot cleaning process is employed, the external heater is heated by steam to heat the lye to a predetermined temperature.
The purpose of caustic washing is to remove organic contaminants produced in the system.
(3) .Acid storage tank.
The pickling detergent is stored, and the purpose of pickling is to remove inorganic pollutants generated in the system, such as calcium salts, magnesium salts, and the like.
(4).Sterilization Tank
Store the specified concentration of sterilization.
(5).Sterile water tank
The water can be pretreated with sand filter and then sterilized by ultraviolet light. Sterile water is used to rinse the residual fungicide to improve the sterility level of the system.
The above five storage tanks are the minimum required number of containers for the CIP system. The accessory equipment includes a cleaning pump, an external heater, an acid, a base, a bactericide, and a sterile water addition device.
But for craft beer brewery, there is 2 tanks 3 tanks, 4 tanks or 5 tanks for CIP cleaning system.
The following is 500L 3 tanks CIP cleaning unit.

This is CIP cleaning pump.
Thanks for your reading!
Edited By Daisy
[email protected]
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