Dry hopping solution
Dry hopping solution
The term dry hopping originated centuries ago with British brewers and was used to
refer to adding hops to the cask shortly before it was shipped off to the customer.
In fact, 1/2-ounce hop plugs were specifically developed by British hop producers to be a convenient way to add whole hops to a keg or cask. Nowadays, dry hopping refers to any hop addition after the wort has been cooled. These additions can be done in the
primary fermenter, in the secondary or by adding hops directly to a keg.
Due to the fact that no volatile oils are boiled off, the benefit to dry hopping is that the brewer can get as much flavor and aroma possible into the final beer. This can give
your beer a floral hop essence and an intense flavor that is desirable in hoppy beer
styles like pale ales and IPAs. Some commercial beers that are dry-hopped include Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Ale, Young’s Special Ale, Anchor Liberty, and Sam Adams Pale Ale.
In order to dry hopping, there are two options:
One is by dry hopping tank mounted top of fermenter, and there is butterfly valve between fermenter and dry hopping tank. For example below picture, and it is capacity is about 2L. During dry hopping, the pressure is kept.

Another is by hop gun, and it is one popular way, The hop gun is usually from 60L to hundred liters. By hop gun, it is better to mix hops aroma and beer than dry hopping tank. There is picture of hop gun as below, and it usually works together with Diaphragm pump.

Do you have an clear idea about dry hopping on your fermenter? -:)
Thanks for your reading and welcome your inquiry.
Edited by Helen Lee
Sales manager
Email: [email protected]
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