How to add the hops?
How to add the hops? The most direct way is add the hops from man way. If the kettle is sealed, we need to add the hops to the Hop Dosing Tank, then the hops thrust forth into boiling pot by wort. Then is Hopback and Dry hopping.
The main compositions of hops are hop resin, hop oil and Polyphenol.
Hop Resin includes α-acids and β-acid. With strong bitter and antiseptic; α-acids improves beer foam stability a lot. Hop Oil Increase the flavor of beer beer, brewmaster always add it in three times to control flavor.
First time is after boiling 5~15 min, 5%~10% of total.
In order to remove the foam when the wort boiling
Sacond time is after boiling 30~40 min, 55%~60% of total.
The purpose is to extract of alpha acid and promote heterogeneous.
Third time is after boiling 80~85 min, 30%~40% of total.
To extract hop oil, then improve the aroma of hop.

Today let’s learn something new. There is a side tangential port on straight wall of fermentation tank. The function is to help hops aroma to infuse in fermenting beer evenly. It works together with a centrifugal pump.
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Emily Gong.
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