How to choose suitable steam boiler for your kettle?
A suitable and enough strong boiler is the necessary to run a brewery for high efficiency.Let’s calculate the suitable boiler size based on 1000L Kettle tun.

1Kcal is the needed heat to rise 1Celsius for 1kg water.
1000L wort is about 1000kg.
Temp rise from mash/wort to boil, 78C to 100C
Number of BTUs to bring wort to boil in 45 mins,
1000kgX (100-78)C X 1.33(time factor) = 29,260Kcal
Now add ~5% to achieve boil off. 29,260 X 1.05 = 30,273Kcal
1Kcal=3.968 BTUs.
So, to heat a 1000L Kettle, you need the steam boiler to be 121,908 BTUs
Edited by Kevin
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