The efficiency of the brewhouse
Sometimes our customers will ask us what is the efficiency of the brewhouse system in terms of yield?
Firstly, this question is very good.
The efficiency of the brewhouse is very important to adjust the mashing work.

Let’s learn what is the efficiency of the brewhouse, which is percentage of the amount of extract of wort after boiling and the amount of mashing feed.
It is very important to adjust the mashing work.
Usually it is during 74%~79% for our system.
Besides the beer equipment, there are several other influence factors of efficiency of the brewhouse:
1.Malt Materials
Different malts have different efficiency of the brewhouse.
So we should choose the high efficiency malts.
2.Technology of the brewing
The time is more long, the strength is more stronger, the more efficiency.
The operation of the lautering, small amount but more times to sparging is better to get high efficiency.
4.The manner of working
Like exactly operate the control of the time and temperature.
Of course, there are many factors to influence the efficiency, we warmly welcome you to discuss with us.
Thanks for your reading!
Edited By Daisy
Email: [email protected]
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