

What are the factors that affect wort filtration

1) Wort viscosity
We know that the higher the temperature of the wort, the lower the viscosity of the wort will be, and the faster the wort will be filtered in the lauter tun in a brewery.
2) Wheat grain resistance
At the beginning of filtration in the beer equipment_lauter tun, the resistance of the wort is minimal, but as the filtration process progresses, this resistance becomes larger and the filtration rate decreases.
3) Filter operation
Filtration operations are not static and must be adjusted as the trough resistance changes. Moreover, there are many factors that affect wort filtration, such as malt quality, saccharification method, composition of pulverization, filter sieve plate load and filter plate structure, initial filtration operation, etc. The filtration operation should be flexibly adjusted according to some practical factors.
 Lauter tun, brewery,beer equipment, wort,filter,malt,filter plate,spent grains,micro brewery, commercial brewery
4) Malt quality
The malt of good quality has relatively few upper and lower grains in the filter layer in a brewery,such as a micro brewery or a commercial brewery. The research shows that under the same pressure, in the first/origianl wort filtration stage, the lower grains and the spent grains play a leading role; in the washing stage, the upper grains play a leading role. It can be seen that, in order to speed up the filtration rate of the first wort, it is necessary to reduce the generation of lower particles.
Using good quality malt, the obtained wort has low viscosity, relatively loose spent grains, fast filtration speed and short filtration time. Usually, the lower the wort viscosity, the shorter the filtration time. But there are exceptions, such as strong stirring during mashing, and the husk in the mash is broken. Even if the viscosity of the wort is low, the filtration time is still long.
5) Dosage of excipients
Particles such as protein, hemicellulose, starch grains and lipids that are not broken down during mashing will affect the filtration speed of wort. The amount is related to the degree of dissolution of the malt and the type and amount of added grains. Sometimes adding β-glucanase to saccharification is a measure that is beneficial to filtration, which can improve filtration.
6) Crushing method
The filtration speed of wet pulverization is significantly higher than that of dry pulverization and humidification pulverization.
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