It is a steam heating brewhouse+4 sets of single fermenters, main configuration as below:
♦ 1: Malt Milling Unit of Malt Miller [300-500kg/hr]
♦ 2: 1000L Brewhouse Unit of MT+LT+KWT+2000L HLT
♦ 3: Fermentation Unit of 4sets of 1000L unitanks/fermenters
♦ 4: Glycol Cooling Unit of 2000L GWT+2000L CLT+Glycol Chiller
♦ 5: Electric Control Unit of PID system
♦ 6: 100L Portable CIP Cart [Two Tanks]
♦ 7: Spare Parts & Tools
Contact Hubert now for a free proposal for your brewery dream.
Email: [email protected]
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