

Microbrewery Yeast Harvesting II

For Nanobrewery,micro brewery,commercial brewery, Brewers commonly repitch yeast to ferment batch after batch to save money and coax out the complex flavors and higher flocculation rates that Saccharomyces yeast can develop over multiple generations, particularly from the second to the third. But in order to maximize yeast function and longevity, it’s important to be strategic and maintain consistency, along with how long you store your slurry and under what conditions. Tiantai brewtech have professional design on yeast pitching and yeast harvest. Following are some points that we might meet in actual brewing.
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1. What brewery Vessels Can I Use to Store the Yeast Between Batches?
Before putting a yeast storage vessel into action, disassemble and soak the fittings to wipe out any bacteria, and purge the vessel with CO₂ to minimize the slurry’s contact with oxygen.
Cornelius kegs, soda kegs and covered food-grade plastic buckets make for simple and inexpensive storage containers. However, because they don’t vent pressure, shake and vent the kegs once a day or more and vent the buckets periodically.
2. How Do I Keep My Yeast Viable?
“If less than two weeks, brewers will usually have no problem reusing yeast. After four weeks, the viability of yeast slurry is usually 50% or lower,” writes White Labs President Chris White on his blog.
To prolong life within this time span, keep the yeast at 34-36 degrees in a dark space free of oxygen. Oxygen and warm temperatures reduce lifespan and cause bacteria to form more quickly.
3. How Do we Know if My Yeast is Healthy Enough to Reuse?
Before storing and again before re-pitching, brewers should test their yeast for viability and contamination. Ideally, you’ll use yeast that is more than 95% and no less than 70% viable.
If a beer is contaminated, the culture will also be contaminated. Check the slurry for aerobic and bacteria, and wild yeast. Don’t use the slurry if bacteria counts are over 1 per ml, and wild yeast is over 1 per 0.1ml.
Tiantai brewtech can provide you turnkey solution for microbrewery. If you require any microbrewery equipment, nano brewery equipment,commerical brewery equipment, feel free to contact us for a proposal.
Thanks for your reading.

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