

The importance of cooling and glycol systems in craft beer equipment

The importance of cooling and glycol systems in craft beer equipment
Hello, guys!
As we know, temperature control is very important in the beer brewing process. High-quality beer depends on many factors, the most important of which is beer flavor. The flavor of the beer is greatly affected by the fermentation temperature, so it is necessary to maintain the ideal temperature inside the brewing equipment during the brewing process. The consistency of temperature means the consistency of beer flavor, which can make consumers satisfied and loyal to your brand.
How to use glycol system in your beer brewing process?
1. CLT and single-stage plate heat exchanger
CLT is usually a stainless steel water tank with a cooling jacket or external heat exchanger. The CLT will be filled with water and cooled to a temperature of about 35°F between two brewing cycles. Then the cold water will be pumped in a ratio of 1:1, and the wort will be removed from the boiled wort through the wort exchanger, the temperature is cooled to the required fermentation temperature. The discharged water (currently at 140-160°F) is transferred to the hydrothermal tank and used to brew the next batch of beer. CLT is usually sized to hold enough cold water to service the brewing cycle. For example, if you have 1500L brewery equipment and need to brew 3 times a day, then the size of the CLT is 4500L.

2. Two-stage plate heat exchanger using cold water and glycol water
The two-stage wort cooler has a two-step cold zone wort:
_Use city water in a 1:1 ratio and remove as much heat as possible. According to the efficiency of the heat exchanger, wort will exit the first stage within 7-10°F of your entering water temperature.
_Transfer the remaining heat to the cooled ethylene glycol and discharge it at the required fermentation temperature.
3. Pre-cool the city water before entering the single-stage wort heat exchanger
This wort cooling method is a good low-cost option, but it cannot clean brazed plate stainless steel heat exchangers. If the heat exchanger is contaminated or blocked, it usually needs to be replaced with a new one.
Tiantai Company is a professional manufacturer of beer brewing equipment.Our team has 19 years experience in installing our brewery systems in brewpub, bar, restaurant, microbrewery, regional brewery etc.
If you need any support of brewery equipment project, contact us without hesitate.
Edited by Vincent
Contact: [email protected]

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