

What is brite tank using for?

The Bright beer tank (Brite tank) is a horizontal insulated cylindrical vessel used in breweries for temporary storage and final conditioning of carbonated alcoholic beverages such as beer or cider before they are filled into kegs, bottles, and cans. The tank is designed for processes like carbonation, filtering, pasteurization, and flavoring.
Brewery,brewing process,beer brewing, hydrator,grist hydrator,beer equipment,mashing process,Bright beer tank,
Beer equipment typically includes horizontal insulated pressure vessels used for storage, carbonization, and filtering of drinks such as beer, cider, and wine under pressure. These cylindrical tanks are also known as service tanks, tanks for finalized beverage, or BBT (bright beer tanks). The tanks are cooled using water or glycol that circulates inside duplicators, which are cooling channels inside a double steel jacket.
The stainless steel pressure tanks in a brewery are used for temporary storage of finalized beverages under pressure and for carbonation or flavoring. The beer equipment tanks are usually used for izobaric filtration of beverages, izobaric filling of beverages into bottles or kegs, and for other final operations during beer, wine, or cider brewing.
Tiantai beer equipment company produces all of these devices in model configurations or according to individual customer requirements. If you want to learn more about how Tiantai beer equipment company can help you produce the best quality brewery equipment for flavor-rich beers, optimize your configuration, maximize process uptime, and reduce beer loss during brewing, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Email: [email protected] 

Tags: beer brewing    Brewing process   

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