Firstly, impression: High carbon dioxide content, lighter body, low-temperature drinking of
Lager beer with almost no typical flavor, very refreshing and quenching thirst.
Secondly, Aroma: Although it is also produced from malt, sweet ingredients, or cereals, the
malt aroma is light or not, and the spicy or floral aroma of the hops is light or not. The entire
fermentation process is very thorough, allowing a slight yeasty taste (especially a light green
apple flavor) and a dimethyl sulfide flavor.
Thirdly, Appearance: Very light straw color to pale yellow, foam is white but less, and the
liquor is very clear.
Last, Taste: Dry taste, low bitterness, with a small amount of malt or cereal-like sweetness;
hops are not typical, slightly floral, spicy and herbal (less to detect), hops have lower bitterness;
derived from malt The balance of bitterness and bitterness is slightly different, but relatively
close; higher carbon dioxide content may bring a good killing taste; typical Lager fermentation

Taste: Light body (sometimes watery). Higher CO2 levels give a slightly killer texture.
History: Coors created light lager in the early 1940s. In order to attract discerning drinkers,
the style of modern products was first produced by Rhingold in 1967, but since 1973,
Miller Distillery has accepted the formula and vigorously developed the beer market for
sports enthusiasts with a "taste and drink more" And it became popular. In the United
States in the 1990s, this style of beer became the biggest seller.
Typical raw materials: Two-row or six-row barley, with a high proportion (40%) of rice or
corn as an adjunct. Adding enzyme preparation can further dilute the body and reduce the
sugar content.
Comparison of styles: American Lager beer has a lighter body, lower alcohol, and lower calories.
Lower hops and bitterness than light beer.
Edited by Hubert
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