Impression: A light-colored, refreshing, high-kiss German wheat beer with a
dry mouth, a soft taste and a unique banana and clove flavor yeast flavor.

Aroma: Moderate to strong aroma of phenols (commonly scented) and fruity
esters (classic banana). The balance and strength of phenol and ester
ingredients can be varied, but the best wines have a reasonable balance and
appropriate highlights. Hops range from low to none. May have a light to
moderate wheat aroma (which may smell bready or grainy) but other malt
characteristics should not appear. Not necessary, but it is acceptable to have
a light to medium vanilla scent and / or a weak bubble gum scent.
But the characteristics of these optional options should not be too obvious,
they only increase the complexity and balance of beer.
Appearance: Light wheat straw to gold. It has a thick, mousse taste and a long-lasting white
foam. In the unfiltered body, the high protein content of wheat weakens the beer's clarity
and the degree of turbidity is slightly different.

Taste: Low to medium intensity banana and clove flavors. The balance and strength of
phenolic and ester ingredients are diverse, but the best wines have a reasonable balance and
appropriate highlights. Non-essential, very light to medium vanilla and / or weak bubble gum
flavors can accentuate banana flavors, allow for sweetness and roundness, but cannot be the
main flavor. A small amount of soft bread or wheat and malt grain sweetness complement
each other. The hop taste is very low to no, and the bitterness of hops is very low to medium.
Round and rich texture with a relatively dry finish. Because the actual retained sweetness is
higher than the hop bitterness, the perceived sweetness will be higher.
Sweet or heavier closing can severely impair drinkability.
Taste: Medium to low to medium body; it must not be heavy. Suspended yeast will increase
the body feel. The texture of wheat will give the wine a soft, creamy saturation, which will
result in a fresh and delicate closing due to the very high killing texture. Strong foaming.
History: Hundreds of years ago when Bavaria had a tradition of brewing wheat beer, brewing
wheat beer could only be reserved for members of the Royal Bavarian. Modern wheat beer
was brewed from Schneider in 1872. However, light wheat beer did not become popular until
1960. This wine is now very popular, especially in southern Germany.
Typical ingredients: According to German brewing tradition, at least 50% of the malt must
be wheat malt, and some versions use up to 70%; the rest are typical Pilsen malts.
Saccharification is a traditional practice, but modern winemakers do not usually follow this
step. A. wheat yeast produces typical spicy and fruity textures, but high fermentation
temperatures can affect overall balance and produce off-flavors.
Edited by Hubert
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