

Brew non alcohol beer with Tiantai micro brewery equipment

Brewing non-alcoholic beer, also known as "NA" beer, involves the same basic brewing process as regular beer but with the additional step of removing or reducing the alcohol content after fermentation. Here's a general outline of how you might brew non-alcoholic beer using Tiantai micro brewery equipment:
Malted Grains: Base malts like Pilsner, Pale Ale, or Vienna malt.
Hops: Bittering, flavor, and aroma hops depending on the style you want.
Yeast: Use a yeast strain suitable for non-alcoholic beer production. Some yeasts are designed to produce less alcohol or are tolerant to low-alcohol environments.
Water: Your water chemistry plays a role in the final beer flavor. Adjust your water profile as needed based on the style you're brewing.
Tiantai beer equipment, micro brewery equipment, microbrewery equipment,  non-alcoholic beer brewery equipment, brew house equipment 
Mashing and Boiling in brew house equipment:
Heat water in the mash tun and add your malted grains to create a mash. Hold the temperature in the desired range for starch conversion.
Sparge the grains to collect the sweet wort.
Transfer the wort to the boil kettle and bring it to a boil.
Add hops during the boil for bitterness, flavor, and aroma, just like you would for regular beer.
Cooling and Fermentation:
After boiling, quickly cool down the wort to your yeast's fermentation temperature.
Pitch the selected yeast strain and let fermentation proceed as usual.
Non-Alcoholic Conversion:
After primary fermentation is complete, the next step is to remove or reduce the alcohol content. There are several methods to achieve this, and some involve specialized equipment:
Vacuum Distillation: This method uses reduced pressure to lower the boiling point of alcohol, allowing it to be separated from the beer more easily.
Reverse Osmosis: This process involves using a specialized membrane to separate alcohol and other volatile compounds from the beer.
Heat Evaporation: Applying heat under vacuum to evaporate off alcohol while minimizing flavor loss.
Non-alcoholic beer brewing requires precise control over the alcohol removal process to ensure that the beer retains its flavor, aroma, and balance. Please feel free to talk with Tiantai regarding non-alcoholic beer production and the specific capabilities of your microbrewery equipment.
Contact Information:
Contact Person: Emily Gong

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