Various combination of brewhouse
Brewhouse is various in combination of vessels, of course to achieve the same four steps mashing, lautering, boiling, whirlpool, by special brewing intentions of brewer including wort output, wort gravity, sparging water, brews in certain time, brewing method etc. TBE Company accepts special design for these variations.
2 Vessel Brewhouse
Mash/Lauter Tun + Boil Kettle/Whirlpool Tun
Mash/Lauter Tun/Hot Liquor Tank Combi vessel + Boil Kettle/Whirlpool Tun
Mash/Lauter Tun + Boil Kettle/Whirlpool + Hot Liquor Tank

3 Vessel Brewhouses
Mash/Lauter Tun + Boil Kettle + Whirlpool Tun
Mash(kettle) Tun + Lauter Tun + Boil Kettle/Whirlpool Tun

4 Vessel Brewhouses
Mash(kettle) Tun + Lauter Tun + Boil Kettle + Whirlpool

5 Vessel Brewhouses
Mash Tun + Lauter Tun + Boil Kettle + Whirlpool+ Holding Kettle

Edited by Amy
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