In microbrewery sized steam beer brewing systems, the steam heats the wort through the jacketing on the side walls and bottom of the kettle. Enough heat can be transferred to provide a vigorous boil and evaporation rate. But, because volume increases faster than the surface area of the tank as the tanks get bigger, there is less and less heating surface per gallon of wort. In general, calandrias are mainly used on pretty large brew kettles, perhaps 30-40 BBL’s and larger.

To keep it simple, think of the kettle tun as a cube. The volume of the cube is L x W x H, or L cubed. The surface area of the sides and bottom is L x W x 5, or L squared times 5. As the tank gets bigger, the volume is increasing at a cubed rate, but surface area is only increasing at a squared rate. Before long, the ratio of surface area to volume gets pretty small. And, if we are only relying on the surface area to heat the wort, there are fewer square feet of jacketed surface area per gallon of wort.
Calandrias are also used to convert a non-jacketed kettle into a boil kettle. You can use an internal or external calandria to provide the heat necessary to boil your wort in your brewery.
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