

Microbrewery system 1000L brewhouse with 3vessel

If you are really passionate about homebrewing and want to consider starting your own business, there are two types, brewpubs and microbreweries. A brewpub is smaller, perhaps 200L/1BBL-800L/7BBL . A microbrewery is larger, perhaps from 1000L/8.5BBL. to 3500L/30 bbls. and up. The barrelage is measured by the brew kettle, or how much wort you produce in one batch.

Here I recommend you a microbrewery system with 1000L 3-vessel brewhouse plant.
This is 1000L Mash Tun, 1000L Lauter Tun, 1000L Kettle/Whirlpool Tun, 2000L Hot Liquor Tank.
Every tun has a separate pump, so there is 4 pumps in total.
microbrewery system, brewhouse vessel, 1000L 3-vessel brewhouse, beer equipment, brew system, beer making machine, brewery plant

microbrewery system, brewhouse vessel, 1000L 3-vessel brewhouse, beer equipment, brew system, beer making machine, brewery plant

This is a complete microbrewery system including grist miller machine, brewhouse unit, heat exchanger, wort grant, brewhouse control cabinet, beer fermenters, brite beer tank, glycol chiller cooling unit, fermentors control cabinet, CIP cleaning unit....etc. Would you like to learn more information about it? Drop me an email on
[email protected]
Edited By Daisy

[email protected]

Tags: beer equipment    brew system   

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