

Material-water ratio

Material-water ratio
The ratio of raw material to water used for mashing is called the Material-water ratio. The Material-water ratio determines the concentration of first wort . Typically, 100kg of mashing Material plus 400 kg of mashing water results in a first wort with 16 Plato.
Mashing water can be calculated using the following formula:
N = 100 E / (E + V )
V = E(100 - N) / N
In this formula,
N means the concentration of first wort, % ;
E means leaching rate of raw material, % ,
V means the volume of mashing water will be used when the raw material is 100kg.
In fact, there are some Water will be evaporated during boiling, so the real volume of mashing water need to be higher than the calculated volume.
Editor:Amy Chen
Email: [email protected]

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